Software Engineering Intern - Wells Fargo
Charlotte, North Carolina
May 2024 to August 2024
I worked as a Software Engineering Intern for Wells Fargo addressing business needs in Wealth &
Investment Management
Technolgoies. Operated as a Full Stack Engineer with an application development team in an agile
Increased code coverage of team applications by 15%, increasing code quality and decreasing risk
in SDLC. Designed
and created project to migrate data from existing MongoDB to Oracle in recurring jobs. Designed
new schema from
scratch and used direct connecting python script to map NoSQL to SQL relational table. This
implementation increased reporting performance and allowed for the opportunity to store and
access historic reports.
Systems Operations Associate - Wells Fargo
Des Moines, Iowa
May 2023 to August 2023
I worked as a Systems Operations Associate on an agile DevOps team to address business needs for
the Enterprise Pipe Line. Worked to identify and problem solve Checkmarx exit codes to increase
reliability of the SDLC.
Worked with CICD Tools such as Jenkins, Checkmarx, Sonarqube, Blackduck, TruffleHog, Jira,
Elastic, Junit5,
Java Mutations Testing, Prometheus, Gradle, Maven, DotNet, and MSBuild to ensure code quality
and security.
7 Stone Pizzaria Manager
West Des Moines, Iowa
October 2019 to Present
I have worked at 7 Stone Pizzaria since I was a Junior in high school. While working I am
responsible for managing a team of employees in a high paced enviornment to
create a great experience for customers. This job includes opening and closing the store,
providing excellent customer service, and faced paced multi-tasking while providing customers
with a high quality
dine in or take out dinner. Having worked here for so long, I have learned skills in leadership,
customer service, time management, and communication.
Pocket Brawlers
Pocket Brawlers is an android based application created with Android Studio and Java Spring. This
is an interactive online multiplayer turnbased mobile game which was made with a project team.
Personally I worked on the Backend of the application, creating an API and utilizing SQL to
create many relational tables and present a diverse character cast. Check out the fun
demonstration video here!
This project was made as part of the Iowa State ComS 309 semester long project and won best
project across all class sessions in the Spring 2023 semester. Check out the Github here! Note that all development
stopped after spring of 2023.
Global Butterfly Longevity Tracker
The Global Butterfly Longevity Tracker is a web application created for the Rieman Gardens in
Ames Iowa. For this project, I am the Technical Design Lead and contributed heavily to the
Frontend UI implementation and the backend API endpoints.
The goal of this project is to normalize and provide a way for facilities to track the longevity
of butterflys
within enclosed exhibits. This project was created as part of the Iowa State Senior Design class
with a team of software engineering
students. Facilities will be able to advertise and use the web application to track butterfly
sightings within enclosures. Data can then be
gathered and reported on to provide insights on butterfly longevity and health. This project is
currently in development and is aimed to be distributed
to a number of facilities around the world. Facility admins and researchers will then priorize
data to come to new conclusions on enviornmental impacts on butterfly longevity.
This project is made with an HTML, CSS, JS frontend, a Java Spring backend, and a NoSQL Mongo
Database; all being hosted through AWS and Docker to make it easy for clients to configure their
Ray Tracing Engine
This was a semester long solo project with the goal of creating a ray tracing engine from the
ground up in C++.
Some features of the ray tracer include rendering spheres, triangles, and quads; antialiasing;
materials incuding specular, diffuse, dielectris, and emmisives;
texturing of objects from images or procedurally generated; and a camera system that allows for
different perspectives and depth of field.
The ray tracer source code can be found here if you want to try it out.
Take a look at the readme to understand the different available scenes and how to run the
The above image is an example of a image rendered using my ray tracer.
Online Game Shop
Online Game Shop is an online store created with React, Node.js, and MongoDB. This is a full
stack application that was created as a personal project to learn more about full stack
development. The application is a simple online store that allows users to view games and add
them to a cart. The application is not currently deployed, but you can check out the Github here!
This project was created with a partner, Jack Kelley, where work was equally split between all
Pokemon in the Terminal
This was a solo project which began development in C and was later ported to C++. Heavy usage of
the C++ object oriented language to create a simulation of the original pokemon games within the
Different terain types are used and evaluated with Dijkstra's algorithm to map enemy movement.
The game is turn based and allows for the player to move around the map and battle enemies. All
game code can be found on the Github here.
Weekly additions were made over the course of 10 weeks to create the final product. This project
was created as part of the Iowa State ComS 327 course in the Spring 2023 semester.
Assembly Sort and Dissassembler Project
I implemnted cycle sort in assembly code from scratch which runs on a linux emulator. This
program is written entirely using LEGv8 assembly and sorts an array of any byte length (within
system memory bounds).
This project was centered around memory consumption and storage using registers. I also
implemented a dissassembler which translates the LEGv8 binary machine code produced by the
emulator when compiling assembly code. This Java program reads in a machine code binary file and
returns the original assembly code it represents.